
Suze Ferris


Amelia Blackett


Abby Harding


Olivia Hurley


Wendy MacFarlane


Your Midwifery Team

You will see your LMC for antenatal appointments up until 36 weeks, in which time you will then have alternate visits with your LMC and your back up midwife.

Our on-call weeks are Tuesday-Tuesday.

Once you have had your baby we have an experienced and dedicated postnatal midwife who will see you and baby at home for 4-6 weeks.

Please always contact the phone number we have provided you in the 1st instance for any urgent concerns. If we do not answer after 2 attempts please contact one of the other on call phone numbers.

On-Call Numbers

  • Wendy Macfarlane and Amelia Blackett: 021 225 2774
  • Kylie Eager and Suze Ferris: 021 225 2775
  • Olivia Hurley and Abby Harding: 021 225 2776

Please Note

We do not provide epidural care should you need one. As epidurals require medical input it is classed as secondary maternity care and as such your care is handed over to the hospital team. We do, however, stay with you for support and guidance until your baby is born. Occasionally, due to exhaustion, we would need to go home for much needed sleep and if this was the case, you would be looked after by the hospital midwives/drs.

We do not do home visits for antenatal appointments. If you are unable to attend your scheduled appointment please call the office ASAP so we can reschedule this for you.